Car AccidentsLife After Paralysis Caused by a Car Accident

December 6, 20230

Experiencing paralysis after a traumatic car accident can be devastating. Your whole world is turned upside down in an instant. While the road to recovery presents many challenges, with time, adaptation and support, it is possible to rebuild a full and meaningful life. This article outlines the key steps involved in recovering, adapting and moving forward after paralysis caused by a car accident injury.

Coming to Terms with the Paralysis

The initial shock of realizing you are paralyzed can be overwhelming. Denial, fear, grief and anger are normal reactions. Allow yourself to feel and process these emotions. Ignoring them won’t make them go away. Seeking counseling can help you work through the emotional trauma.

It takes time to come to terms with how dramatically life has changed. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge it’s a journey. Don’t expect to just “get over it”. Healing happens gradually. Focus on making it through one day at a time. Over time, the emotional intensity will decrease.

Starting Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation starts in the hospital through physical and occupational therapy. The goals are to prevent complications, regain mobility and develop self-care skills. Therapists teach exercises to improve range of motion, build strength and retrain nerves and muscles.

Rehab continues on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Commit to actively participating. Push yourself but also rest when needed. Seek peer support from others in rehab. Stay focused on making incremental progress. Expect ups and downs along the way.

Adapting Your Home

Prior to discharge from rehab, evaluation from an occupational therapist can determine what adaptations are needed at home. The goal is to create a safe, accessible environment.

Common home modifications include ramps, widened doorways, an accessible kitchen and bathroom, grab bars and accessible controls for lights, thermostat, etc. Voice activated smart home technology can provide added independence.

Tax credits, insurance coverage and nonprofit grants may offset costs. Don’t let financial concerns delay necessary changes. Your quality of life depends on having a fully accessible home.

Building Your Support Network

Don’t try to tackle paralysis alone. Connecting with others will help you problem-solve challenges, lean on one another emotionally and share experiences.

Identify family, friends, community or religious groups, peer support networks and nonprofits who can comprise your circle of support. Be willing to ask for and accept help. Bring people together who can contribute diverse skills and resources.

Connect with others who understand what you’re going through. A shared experience builds camaraderie and validates emotions. But also nurture relationships unrelated to the injury for balance.

Exploring Assistive Technology

Today’s assistive technology opens up possibilities for mobility, communication, education, work and recreation. An assistive technology professional can help identify appropriate options tailored to your needs and interests.

Tools like motorized wheelchairs, scooters, lift systems, adapted vehicles, speech recognition software, eye gaze technology and modified gaming controls enhance independence. Smart home automation and wearable tech offer additional options.

Assistive technology enables continuing participation in treasured roles and activities. It expands life opportunities, builds self-reliance and fosters community inclusion. Funding assistance may be available through insurance, nonprofits and government programs.

Figuring Out Transportation

Mobility is essential for handling life needs, nurturing relationships and avoiding isolation. Losing the ability to drive can mean relying on others for transportation. Consider all options to achieve the greatest flexibility.

Paratransit services provide door-to-door transport for those unable to use regular transit. Ride share programs match volunteers willing to drive. Independent living centers offer training on using public transit. Specialized vehicle modifications enable driving.

Pursuing an adapted vehicle and learning to drive again opens new freedom. Seek evaluation from a driver rehabilitation specialist. Tax credits or VA grants may fund vehicle modification costs.

Adapting Self-Care and Personal Hygiene

Performing daily self-care like bathing, grooming, hygiene and dressing requires adapting techniques and using specialized equipment. Occupational therapists teach new ways to eat, brush teeth, put on clothes, do hair and manage toileting.

Equipment like shower chairs, transfer benches, long-handled sponges, adjustable sinks and bidets support self-care. Continence management aids help maintain dignity and hygiene. Focus on finding solutions rather than mourning losses. New methods take practice but eventually become routine.

Returning to Work

The workplace may require accommodations for accessibility, modified schedules, equipment needs and periodic rest breaks. Identify essential and nonessential job functions. Retraining may be needed to adapt duties.

Federal law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations unless doing so poses undue hardship. If your previous job can’t be adapted, explore transferring positions or retraining for an alternate role. Vocational counseling assists with identifying suitable careers.

Adapting Leisure Activities and Hobbies

Don’t give up activities that enrich your life and nurture your spirit. Adapt them in new ways that work with your physical abilities. Sports, recreation, hobbies, socializing and volunteering can still be part of life.

Seek out peer mentors successful at adapted activities. Learn about adaptive sports leagues and resources. Enjoy hand cycling, kayaking, scuba diving, fishing, sailing, skiing, wheelchair basketball, tennis, dancing and more. Pursue arts, crafts and computer interests from a wheelchair.

Managing Health Complications

Secondary medical issues like pressure injuries, bladder infections, muscle spasms, chronic pain and circulation problems can arise. Monitor your health closely and consult doctors promptly about concerning symptoms.

Adhere to prevention protocols. Pressure relief routines and frequent repositioning avoid pressure wounds. Timed voiding prevents urinary tract infections. Range of motion exercises thwart contractures. Medications manage spasticity and pain.

Stay alert to signs of autonomic dysreflexia, depression or blood clots. Report problems like dizziness, headache or breathing issues immediately. Develop healthcare routines to nip complications in the bud. Don’t ignore new symptoms.

Embracing an Evolving Identity

Paralysis alters but doesn’t erase who you are. Allow your sense of identity to evolve. Don’t let it get tied to wheelchair use. Your personality, intellect, talents and spirit exist apart from your physical body.

Pursue education, hobbies, causes and relationships that give life meaning. Carve out new possibilities for self-expression. Recognize that everyone faces challenges; yours are simply more visible. Interact with people who see your humanity, not just the wheelchair.

Pursuing Compensation Through a Personal Injury Claim

Finally, the at-fault driver’s insurance company should cover the costs arising from your injuries. This includes medical bills, assistive equipment, home modifications, lost wages and other expenses.

Consult with a personal injury attorney from The Cassisi Law Firm to determine eligibility for compensation. An experienced lawyer from our team will deal with the insurance company and pursue a fair settlement or court award.

Compensation can improve access to high-quality medical care, adaptive equipment and accessible housing that supports your recovery. Don’t hesitate to exercise your rights. The at-fault party should be held fully accountable through the legal process. Justice includes receiving the resources you need to rebuild your life.

The path forward after paralysis holds uncertainties. But with resilience, support and adaptability, you can move ahead on your own terms. Healing takes time, so be patient with yourself. Focus on pursuing what brings joy and purpose. The future is yours to shape.

Visit our offices at 10208 101st Ave Ozone Park, NY 11416.

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