Truck AccidentsTruck Driver Fatigue: Spotting the Warning Signs on the Road

January 15, 20240

Truck drivers play a critical role in keeping our economy moving. However, the demanding schedule of a trucker can easily lead to fatigue, jeopardizing their safety as well as the safety of everyone sharing the road. Unfortunately, drowsy driving causes thousands of truck crashes every year. As passenger vehicle drivers, it’s important to be aware of the common signs of a fatigued truck operator so you can give them plenty of space and minimize danger. This article explores how to spot the warning signs of trucker exhaustion while out on the road.

Causes of Truck Driver Fatigue

Long Hours Behind the Wheel

The number one contributor to trucker fatigue is the long hours they spend driving each day. The federal hours of service (HOS) regulations allow truckers to drive up to 11 hours per day. Driving for this length of time leads to mental and physical exhaustion that impacts concentration and reaction time.

Lack of Restful Sleep

In addition to long days driving, many truckers fail to get enough continuous, restorative sleep. They may frequently be forced to pull over in loud, uncomfortable truck stops, which leads to interrupted and poor-quality rest. Without proper sleep, fatigue quickly sets in.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Life on the road also lends itself to an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle for drivers. Lack of exercise and a diet heavy in fast food can increase the risk for medical issues like sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease, which leave truckers especially prone to fatigue.

Recognizing Drowsy Driving

There are certain common signs that indicate when a truck driver may be too exhausted to operate their rig safely. Being able to quickly recognize these warning signs prepares you to get out of their way.

Weaving or Unintentional Lane Changes

A classic sign of a drowsy trucker is a truck that can’t seem to stay centered in its lane. Their enormous size makes it easy to spot slight drifts back and forth within their lane or abrupt, un-signaled lane changes. These indicate the driver is struggling to focus properly on the road.

Inconsistent Speeds

Similarly, a truck meandering between faster and slower speeds shows a lack of attention and alertness from the operator. They may fail to maintain an appropriate consistent speed for road conditions and traffic. Dramatic fluctuations in speed are a clear warning.

Delayed Reactions

Fatigued drivers also demonstrate delayed reactions to events and obstacles around them. You may notice a trucker failing to slow down promptly when traffic is backing up ahead of them. Or they may be slow to get up to pace after sitting at a traffic light, indicating mental lapses.

Wandering Eyes or Head-Nodding

While it can be tougher to observe a truck driver up in their cab, you may witness telltale signs like wandering, unfocused eyes, or actual nodding off. These show just how close the drowsy operator is to falling fully asleep.

What to Do Around a Drowsy Trucker

When you spot indications that a truck driver ahead or around you could be dangerously fatigued, the best thing you can do is get out of their operating space right away.

Give Them Lots of Room

Put as much distance as possible between yourself and the perilously tired truck driver. Match your speed with the traffic far ahead or behind them instead. With adequate space cushioning, you give them recovery room if they start to drift lanes or have a slow reaction.

Avoid Cutting Them Off

Be very cautious about passing fatigued truckers. Evaluate whether it is absolutely necessary before attempting. Given their delayed reaction times, they may not process you pulling in front of them before danger arises.

Get Their Attention Safely

While not recommended, if you can do so safely without angering or distracting them, try politely getting the drowsy trucker’s attention to go rest. Things like flashing lights or a friendly long horn tap. But never take risks yourselves or agitate them.

Report Severe Violations

In extreme cases where a truck driver seems dangerously incapable of staying awake, yet continues operating, call the local authorities to report them before a crash happens. Provide the license plate details and your current location so law enforcement can intervene.

Preventing Trucker Fatigue through Technology and Regulation

Ultimately, addressing the root causes of truck driver exhaustion requires ongoing improvements in technology, equipment, regulations, and education focusing specifically on the trucking industry. Progress is being made slowly, though not fast enough to prevent thousands of truck crashes a year connected to fatigued drivers.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs)

ELDs now installed in most commercial trucks track driver hours closely to help enforce mandatory breaks and off-duty time. This helps regulate and limit extreme sleep deprivation.

Fatigue Monitoring Technology

Technology advancements also include the development of camera equipment and sensors inside truck cabs capable of tracking eye/head movements, and driver focus to recognize fatigue and trigger warnings to rest.

A Push for Raising Standards

However, trucks still lack certain technologies standard in passenger vehicles regarding collision warning systems, lane departure alerts, automatic emergency braking, and more. Regulations and expectations around truck driver health, testing, and certification lag as well. Continued pressure and advocacy for higher commercial driving standards are crucial.

Take Legal Action When Necessary

In cases where a fatigued semi-truck driver causes a severe crash and debilitating injuries, the responsibility falls on them and their employer. An experienced truck accident attorney can determine negligence, assist accident victims in receiving maximum compensation for damages, and help hold the commercial trucking industry accountable for unsafe conditions promoting excessive fatigue. Reach out for legal support if ever the innocent victim in a truck crash catastrophe potentially related to an exhausted trucker. Stay safe out there on the roads.

If you’ve been involved in an accident between a car and a truck, we can help.

You can visit our office at 10208 101st Ave Ozone Park, NY 11416 or give us a call for a free consultation on (718) 441-5050.

If you’ve been injured, you deserve compensation to cover your costs.