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5 Tips for Managing Driving Anxiety

There are a number of reasons why you may be anxious about driving. Maybe you or someone you love has been involved in a serious accident which triggers flashbacks when you get into a car. Maybe you are stressed out about other elements of your life which leads to anxiety while driving. Whatever the reason, if you...

New York Auto Insurance Requirements

As you know, you are required to carry auto insurance as a driver in the state of New York. It is critical to carry at least the minimum required coverage so that you can pay for damages in the event you are responsible for a collision. Below, we’ve outlined the minimum requirements for auto insurance...

Is Fault Automatic In A Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions may seem like cut-and-dry cases. The driver in the rear is automatically at fault, right? Not necessarily. Here’s what you need to know about rear-end collision liability: No, Fault Is Not Automatic Liability is never automatic in any type of car accident case, not even for rear-end collisions. Sometimes one driver is completely responsible for...

Unfortunately, pedestrians are involved in accidents daily in New York City. With so many people condensed in such a geographically small city, it’s easy to believe that people get hurt on NYC streets regularly. Here are 10 reasons why New York City pedestrian accidents occur: #1 – Distractions Distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents in...

Pedestrian Accident Statistics

Unfortunately, in New York City, pedestrian accidents are a common part of life. However, if more drivers and walkers understand how serious the issue is, the more likely everyone is to think twice before making risky decisions on the streets. Here are some essential pedestrian accident statistics you should know: More Than 300 People Die Each Year...

Can Undocumented Immigrants File a Personal Injury Claim?

Undocumented immigrants are often told that they don’t have any rights when they enter the United States illegally. At the least, they are told that they have limited rights that don’t compare to what citizens and legal permanent residents (LPR) get. Unfortunately, this constant flow of misinformation has led far too many undocumented immigrants to...

This Is What You Need to Know About Slip and Fall Liability

Getting injured in a slip and fall accident on someone else’s property can be a very frustrating and painful experience to endure. In such a situation, several parties have the potential to be held liable for your injuries. Here’s what you should know about slip and fall liability: Sometimes the Property Owner is Liable, and...

5 of the Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries

When you step onto someone else’s property, they have a duty of care to live up to in order to ensure your safety. If you become injured on another person’s property due to a slip and fall accident, you may be able to recover damages. Here are five of the slip and fall injuries we...